Saturday, July 20, 2013

Check out a Library

Libraries can often be overlooked as an entertainment venue. I realize that sound strange but your local library most likely has a lot of fun activities for kids. We have been going to the library regularly on Thursday mornings for preschool story time. Most libraries will have a story time that fits any age from 1-5 years old. The story time we attend does weekly crafts during the school year and has various fun events during the summer. Last week we were treated to the Wild Things show. Not the R rated 90's movie but actual Kangaroo's, Pythons, Lemurs and several other wild animals. It was really fun to watch the kids reactions to a 15 foot Burmese Python with nothing between them and certain doom.

There are also lots of educational and not so educational toys in the kids sections of most libraries. The are always other kids to play with and its a nice place to spend a hot afternoon. Your kids will love picking out new books every week and mom and dad need not worry if there bad. Its also helpful when your child starts asking more thoughtful and in depth questions. We recently checked out a body book because Kaelin was curios on how muscles and bones worked. I would suggest mom and dad proof read body books because babies do come from storks and will until both of my daughters are nuns.

Next time your bored on a scorching hot or rainy day check out you local library. Your kids will love it and if you go to the right one there might be some cute nannies there. Just remember to proof read that body book.

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